A Message from ukwineclub


Learn More about Wine

Tasting wine and listening to lecturers at your club meetings are good ways to find new things that you like, and bottles that are good value for money. But that’s only part of learning about wine.

You can’t really beat talking to the men and women that grow the grapes and make the wine. You can see the vines in the field, the equipment and often cellars full of ancient and maturing bottles. You can find out about the way that wines are made, and why that suits the grapes and local conditions.T

here are plenty of vineyards to visit in England and Wales, many of which will have an interesting story to tell, and the chance of buying wines that you may not be able to find in the shops. You may well be able to see sparkling wines being made in the traditional way, and follow the process from vine to an opened bottle.

If you go abroad, there are obviously huge numbers of wine regions to visit, making different kinds of wine. You may find it easier to get into interesting properties if you travel with an organised group. Winemakers are often able to spend more time with a party than with one or two people calling at the cellar door. There shouldn’t be any language problems, and accommodation and transport will be organised.

For a short trip, Alsace and Champagne are close to the Channel Ports, with the Loire and Germany little further. For the more adventurous, South Africa, California, South America, Australia, or New Zealand are visited by many companies, at a cost!

Our Links

ukwineclub is Sponsored by:-
Executive & Lifestyle Coaching
Interpersonal Communications & NLP Training

An e-coached programme for you
Many Clubs’ contact details are out of date – please contact ian.mclaren@ukwineclub.org.uk to update your details and tell us about your meetings
8 February 7pm
Dulwich Wine Society
Spanish Wines: The Wine Society vs Supermarkets with Kjetil Fuglestad £30
Colin Wagstaff (020 8402 6587)
18 February 8pm
Verulam Wine Tasting Club
Carignan & Friends £22 by Juliet Bruce Jones MW
22 February 6pm
Central London Wine Society
Call My Bluff with Barrie Austin
3 March 8pm
North Ealing Wine Tasting Society
South Africa tutored by Christos Iannou £20

Please support your local wine club.
Secretaries, please send your 2023 programmes to support@ukwineclub.org.uk

Drink Great Wines























See "Building a Cellar" for the latest articles & tips

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©2007 ukwineclub